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Author Topic: Keep Your Guns. Now They Want Your Ammunition.  (Read 824 times)

Offline SemperFiGuy

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Keep Your Guns. Now They Want Your Ammunition.
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:26:26 PM »
A Legislative Alert from the NRA/ILA is One Thing,

But This Message Down Below Must be Taken Seriously, Because..................

It was sent by Mary Rump to All Papillion Gun Club members.

Mary Rump is the PGC Club Organizer, Go-To Gal, General Factotum, Mover-and-Shaker, etc.

Think of Her as the Papillion Gun Club MOM.

So--If Mary Thinks it's a Big Deal, then it Probably Is.

Here's the darnest, longest URL you've ever seen.   But it works!


Maybe Andy Allen or Dan Walz can give us some guidance as to (a) the actual seriousness of this situation and (b) any recommended individual action on this issue.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 09:40:41 PM by SemperFiGuy »
Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer