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For Dog lovers

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  I'd like to offer my condolences also.  We often share companionship and loyalty with our pets beyond anything we are comfortable with "real" people.  Then we are amazed at our grief! May your  many happy memories give  comfort.   RJ

Dan, my prayers are with you.  I have a 12-year old Yellow Lab (my yellow shadow) who was diagnosed with jaw cancer almost two years ago (it seems to be in remission).  We have been trying to make her as happy as possible.  I know what you were going through.  May you both join Selka in your afterlife.

Make sure you post pics of your new buddy when you get him!  New puppy pics are right up there with new gun pics.


So sorry to hear about your loss.  We just had to put down our Vizsla, after 11 great years of hunting.  I know how tough it is.  

Dr Hank Cerny is great Vet. You must be near Crete.  I worked with him at Belmont Vet clinic here in Lincoln.  He was fresh out of school.  Great guy.  I should look him up sometime.

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: bkoenig on September 24, 2010, 07:01:13 AM ---Make sure you post pics of your new buddy when you get him!  New puppy pics are right up there with new gun pics.

--- End quote ---

YES +1


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