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Dan W:
Oops, I started to reply , then I realized I was in your post Chad...

Hank Cerny's vet hospital is down by 27th and Yankee Hill Rd.

Hank is very nice, seems to be up on all the latest treatments. That is why we ended up there. We were thinking of hauling Selka to KState for bisphosphonate infusions, until we found out Cerny was the only area vet already doing this advance treatment.

His partner Dr. Brown, and the staff are very kind, they all sent us a signed sympathy card.

Dan W:
Here is my new pup playing with his balls  ;D


Looks Like Next Week He'll be Wanting a Little Birdie of Some Type.

And Not the Rubber Type.

One with Feathers.

Real Feathers.

[PS - What did you name the little bugger?????]

He is so cute.  I'm happy for you Dan.

NE Bull:
No disrespect Dan, but are you gonna be able to keep with a lil ball of energy like that?


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