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For Dog lovers

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Sorry to hear that.  My Lab is my best buddy, I can only imagine what losing him would be like.

Sorry to hear this.  We've got a 7-year-old Beagle that doesn't even realize she's a dog.  She's my wife's baby.  My heart goes out to both of you on this loss.

NE Bull:
I feel for ya, bud.

(+1 on the vet, I was no longer living at home when our family dog of 14+ years passed, but mom says that tuff ol farm boy dad drove her to the vet 20 miles away and back to the home for burial and it was quite possibly the hardest trip he ever made. )

My heart is with ya man. I had to put my best friend down a few years ago and still miss the h*** out of him.  I know it doesn't make it any easier but you did right by not letting him suffer.

Dan W:
Saturday I am driving to Alhambra Illinois. ( near St Louis MO )

A pup from a very high level breeding has been offered to us, and we could not turn down this chance for another Golden. We have never had a dog with an upper crust pedigree, including a slew of master hunters, utility champions, and obedience trial champions, like this one has, so we are pretty excited. Maybe I will hunt with my own dog once again.

Not looking forward to 17 hours on the road, or to transporting firearms into Illinois, but you only live once.


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