Special thanks to Randy May for helping recruit 19 new members. The NRA and NFOA are teaming up to promote our organizations.
Attendance was down, buying was even lower. Very few guns were sold by the dealers. Nickel and dime stuff was the main sellers. Ammo if priced at or near wholesale prices was selling in 45 and 9mm.
It has become evident that our local economy is really hurting, but not to the point people are bringing in good guns to sell to pay the mortgage. Most dealers are not in the buying mood right now. Some of the bigger dealers are only selling around 0-5% of the guns they take to the shows.
On a positive note for the public, the North Platte show was the biggest yet, with over 200 tables this year. This is not good news for the dealers, as stiff competion to sell inventory is really hurting their pocketbooks. I think every fair offer to purchase was accepted this weekend.