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SBR engraving in Lincoln area?
Does anyone do SBR engraving in the Lincoln area? I just bought a new lower receiver that I plan to
SBR, but I kind of cringe at the thought of sending it through the mail after I spend several months and $200 waiting for a stamp.
I am just going out there why not just take to a trophy locale that engraves awards and such and when that take it in they are responsible and liable for it as well... just a thought.
That was what I was thinking, but I'd like to know if anyone has used a local business for SBR engraving since there are specific requirements such as the depth of the engraving. I would also want to make sure it was a shop that did a quality job.
I would think since the jewelers also use those business on gold,silver and such they do with laser's and would look like the M & P logo's just enough to get the job done and then the shiny metal shows nicely and not too deep... good luck BK...
--- Quote from: bkoenig on September 27, 2010, 11:19:14 AM ---That was what I was thinking, but I'd like to know if anyone has used a local business for SBR engraving since there are specific requirements such as the depth of the engraving. I would also want to make sure it was a shop that did a quality job.
--- End quote ---
Bkoenig: Did you ever find someone locally? I'm going to need some engraving done toward the end of the summer.
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