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Anyone in Chadron

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Chadron ponders gun law change

If someone is in the area they may wish to let the council know they support this move.

There's a Councilman that gets my vote.  Nice to see a politician with some common sense - very rare these days.  Any of you from out there need to contact this Councilman and share your support.

They are also working to remove the requirement of people selling firearms to report to the Chief of Police.  If we have any members that see this in the area your support to the city Council would be appreciated.  We have just learned of these bills today and may not be able to have anyone there to speak for us.

I visited with Dr. Gamby earlier about this. He feels confident that it will pass with little oposition but would still like to see as many as possible at the meeting. So far the only one voiceing any concern is the Police Chief. The Chadron City Councel can be a bit unpredictable so a good showing at the meeting could make a difference. The meeting is at 5pm this evening in the city councel chambers

Has there been some sort of history of violent crime in Chadron the rest of the world is unawae of????


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