Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading

Getting started loading 9mm, need some pointers

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Thanks for the suggestions.  I've found a load using 115gr Hornady JHP and Power Pistol that shoots really well in my gun.  Interestingly enough I found that it doesn't shoot the mild loads well at all, but as I moved up in power the groups got tighter.  By the time I got to the max load according to the Alliant site it was making a ragged hole at 25 yards, shooting from sandbags.

I picked up some 115 grain hard cast bullets from Missouri Bullet Co.  None of the loads I put together with them shot worth a darn.  From reading on the internet it sounds like a lot of people like WSF for cast bullets, so I picked up a pound.  I'll give that a try and see how it works.

I don't use lead bullets as cleaning is a PITA with them.... copper plated are not that expensive, and if you keep the velocity under 1200 f/sec, they work just fine. My brother uses 115 gr. Berry's plated bullets over .5cc  (IIRC, 6.1 grains) of Power Pistol ..... 1.140 OAL.

I like Winchester Jacketed bullets, myself.  Same load as above, just with the spendier bullet.

Well, I've found a couple loads so far that shoot well:

115gr Hornady JHP, 6.7 Grains Power Pistol - This is right at the max load according to Alliant.  This is the most accurate load I've found so far.  

115gr Missouri Bullet Co. cast round nose, 4.6 grains WSF.  Not as accurate as the Hornady JHP's, but it's acceptable for practice and 3-gun shooting.  I don't notice any leading with this load, but I've only run maybe 100 rounds of cast through it so far.  The bullets cost half as much and it uses a lot less powder, so I can afford to shoot this load a lot more.

My regular supplier of lead cast bullets is out of commission while doing his senior project for school.  I'll prolly make the switch to MBC or perhaps some other mom & pop shop (i like supporting the little guys hehe).

With the right charge, I've noted that leading isn't an issue.  I've probably put 2000 lead rounds through my Sig P229 .40 with no problems after the initial batches of magazines-at-different-charge-weights to find a non-leading solution.

Sadly, in changing lead supplier, I'll have to rework my recipe to again find something that doesn't lead :(

bkoenig - i've found hand loads, even in pistols, to be able to offer far superior accuracy.  My S&W 686 357mag absolutely loves hand loads :).


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