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I found out yesterday from Tommy down at Sols in Omaha on north 16th street that he [Tommy] got a call from BATFE saying that they have not signed off yet on LB817. It will be a socalled FEW MORE MONTHS.   I have been talking to Dan,Senator Mark Christens aide on LB817 yesterday and he said it has been 9 months since the LB817 has passed and BATFE is taking their dear sweet time on this.   Its time to let Senator Mike Johans office know about this problem along with the represintives in Congressional districts know also that this needs to be signed off on LB817.   I am pushing it because I myself have been getting lots of calls on this with questions.  And call BATFE on it also.

Dan W:
I agree Rich.

Lets start an email campaign to push our Nebraska congressional delegation to make this happen, with some help from AG Bruning, Mark Christensen, Scott Laughtenbaugh and Tony Fulton.

I talked to Dan Whils today on the phone and he told me that an aide to Senator Mike Johanns is going to talk to the BATFE about the lenght it is taking BATFE to sign off on LB817. Also,they[BAYFE] isnt talking no more to the State Patrol Gal doing this deal on LB817 to get them to sign off on it.  Might see some heads start rolling in the BATFE offices probably soon.


--- Quote ---Might see some heads start rolling in the BATFE offices probably soon.
--- End quote ---

HA! Fat Chance.

They work for the Executive Branch, do they not, Mein Fruend?  The only ones that could fire them are thems that they work for.  They CERTAINLY don't work for us.  Or Mike Johans.  ..... and All Hell will freeze solid before 0bama directs anybody to get fired for draggin' their feet on reducing the power of the Fedguv in ANY area, and it will be even longer before he makes life difficult for someone making life difficult for gun owners.


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