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My tribute to a great man

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Presidential Unit Citation for Task Unit 77.4.3 (Taffy-3):

"For extraordinary heroism in action against powerful units of the Japanese Fleet during the Battle off Samar, Philippines, October 25, 1944. Silhouetted against the dawn as the Central Japanese Force steamed through San Bernardino Strait towards Leyte Gulf, Task Unit 77.4.3 was suddenly taken under attack by hostile cruisers on its port hand, destroyers on the starboard and battleships from the rear. Quickly laying down a heavy smoke screen, the gallant ships of the Task Unit waged battle fiercely against the superior speed and fire power of the advancing enemy, swiftly launching and rearming aircraft and violently zigzagging in protection of vessels stricken by hostile armor-piercing shells, anti-personnel projectiles and suicide bombers. With one carrier of the group sunk, others badly damaged and squadron aircraft courageously coordinating in the attacks by making dry runs over the enemy Fleet as the Japanese relentlessly closed in for the kill, two of the Unit's valiant destroyers and one destroyer escort charged the battleships point-blank and, expending their last torpedoes in desperate defense of the entire group, went down under the enemy's heavy shells as a climax to two and one half hours of sustained and furious combat. The courageous determination and the superb teamwork of the officers and men who fought the embarked planes and who manned the ships of Task Unit 77.4.3 were instrumental in effecting the retirement of a hostile force threatening our Leyte invasion operations and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

For the President, /signed/ JAMES FORRESTAL Secretary of the Navy

My Grandpa was a quiet man.  He loved his farm, his family, and his church.  He was a proud Marine but didn't like to talk about his experiences.  We all knew that he'd seen action on a carrier in the Pacific, including being hit by a Kamikaze, but we never knew much else. 

I was always a history buff so I knew about Taffy-3, but I never knew my Grandpa was a part of that group of valiant men until after he passed away and I started to research it.  I always respected and loved him but I was stunned when I found out how he risked his life for his country in a near-suicide mission.

Tonight I got out some mementos I have from him, his uniform, some newspapers, a few souvenirs he picked up while in the Corps.  I shared them with my 6 year old daughter and it got kind of dusty in here.

Thanks Grandpa,  I miss you a lot.

NE Bull:
Truly part of the Greatest Generation.  Thank you!

I too wish my grandfathers would have talked more of the war, but I guess they had their reasons.

Dan W:
A very fitting tribute Brian, good work.


One More Notable Item on Your Grandpa:

His Badges Show that He was an Expert Rifleman, USMC.

Not Marksman.  Not Sharpshooter.   Expert.

So---Your Own Bullseyes and 10X's Have a Solid Genetic Base.

And From All Accounts, the Battle of Leyte Gulf had an Extremely High Pucker Factor.


Thanks guys.

I've always been very proud of his Expert Rifleman badge.  That uniform is one of my most prized possessions.  I remember him saying you could tell the farm boys from the city boys on the rifle range.  The farm boys took to shooting naturally but the city boys struggled.


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