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My tribute to a great man

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Funny That You Should Mention It:   Interesting Point on City Boys and Military Shooting

Generally, that point is Right On Target.

As it happened, I qualified as #2 man in my USMC Boot Platoon.

However.......Our Number One Qualifier was another skinny 17-year old City Kid.   This one from Detroit, Michigan.

He had never triggered any kind of firearm in his entire short life.

He simply followed the very specific shoot-by-the-numbers USMC program.   [We spent 3 full days laying in the dirt, just pulling the bolt back and dry firing the M1 Garand.   Over and over and over and over and.................]

And it worked like it was supposed to work.   He fired 225/250.   Top Gun.   Then they made him a Company Clerk.   Figgers, if you use Pure Military Logic.


I always wondered about that too.  Grandpa was top qualifier in his class and they made him an aircraft armorer's mate on a carrier.  Go figure.


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