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Shame on us?

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NE Bull:
or our school systems?  ???

This was fowarded to me in an email had to share:
see pic below:  editorial in Kalifornia newspaper:

--- Quote ---Folks, just remember as you read this,

the writer probably drives & votes

may have already reproduced.......

God help us all.......

--- End quote ---
   :o :o :o

Dan W:

A few hundred years ago and that person would have starved to death from their stupidity.  Now we encourage idiots like that.

Well, like forrest Gump says: What stupid is...stupid does.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on November 24, 2010, 07:08:25 AM ---A few hundred years ago and that person would have starved to death from their stupidity.  Now we encourage idiots like that.

--- End quote ---

It would be just fine if all we did was encourage them: They'd still have to make an effort and the decisions to survive on their own.  That process would probably beat some sense into them.

NOW, however, we don't just encourage them, we actively SUBSIDIZE them, often with tax money taken from you and me. 

..... and they multiply.


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