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It's Official, the world has gone stupid! New kinda of gun turn in!

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NE Bull:
Did anyone else see this? So Sad :'(

Providence RI; Police and citizens host a toy gun turn in event in which children are 'encouraged' to turn in an 'evil' toy gun in exchange for a 'real' and 'safe' toy gift.  Read the article: (the comments aren't too bad either)

Wow...   Just. . .  wow.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

What next, bring in your truck and motorcycle magazines and trade them for a years subscription to "Cherry Boys"? I guess if they don't have guns, it will absolve the parent from teaching them any responsibility, so they are free to do their crack.

Those who make their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don"t.

"?Tis the season for joy, peace, and grinding up plastic, orange-tipped AK-47s".  HA,HA.  My boy has more toy guns than his sister has dolls and stuffed animals.

It's quite obvious that somewhere along the lines they ground up history books. No sense learning all that nonsense that happened before, would be like learning from their mistakes.


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