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Well, I'll be damned, it happened again...

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We got a card number heisted along w/ a lot of others in the Lincoln area this summer.  My card was used to buy gas in Florida - the card company was great to work with.  Wished I had been there to enjoy it!!  We are now signed up w/ Debix and watch the cards closely.

We only have two credit cards that we use.  One is from US Bank.  The other is a Sam's Club Discover.  Neither has ever been subject to fraud (knock on wood).  We use the US Bank card the most and I've had them call me several times to verify purchases that tripped their red flags.  All of the purchases were legitimate, but they checked nonetheless.

Not sure who issued the cards that you've all had hi-jacked but you might want to look into canceling cards that you don't use much and using cards from issuers that have top-notch anti-fraud systems in place.

I've spent some time working in the industry and your issuer's fraud prevention system is the single biggest factor within your control to avoid getting hit by the fraudsters.  Even if a merchant or an intermediary processor loses your information, your issuer can catch bad transactions.

I try to put everything I do on credit cards.  Not only for the kickbacks but because if something fraudulent happens its their problem not mine.  With that said I have never had an issue and I use mine everyday.

I only use my debit cards at the atms that belong to the bank that has the account, never for purchases.  I am responsible for fraudulent debit charges.

Cash is for sitting in my safe and its next to impossible to decipher my writing on checks.

Dan W:
My Debit cards are protected from fraud just the same by Mastercard. The difference is that when this happens, I have to fight to get back my money if I use a debit card, but the credit card issuer is fighting to recover their funds if I use a credit card. 

I have had fraud on both types, and I definitely prefer it this way.

Dan W:
I know this is OLD but I need to vent... :angry:

Bank calls today and says   " your main account debit cards have been compromised after using them at Lamar's donuts in Omaha"  ???

My wife is in Omaha today, and the card was rejected, so she goes to the backup credit card. It gets rejected too! Seems my purchase of lumber from Menard's for my deck project triggered a fraud alert due to the problems we have had... Not a call, email or a message on my online access from the bank that locked my accounts.

I can appreciate the concern about fraud, but how about a "heads up" Bank of the West???


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