Handguns, Rifles & Shotguns > Handguns
New Project
My father sent this one out to me from California. He got it for $20 and knows that I enjoy firearms (he's an ex cop, he has no one else to blame).
Its an older Colt Mustang Mark IV Series 80 .380acp. As you can see from the before picture its in pretty bad shape (I'll be using my new camera after this, still learning how to use that one).
And after the first few hours of work:
I used Naval Jelly and steel-wool to remove the rust and bluing. On Tuesday a friend is going to bring over his dremel tool and we will finish removing all the rust and blue from it. Then we get to work on removing some of the pitting from the rust. All in all this looks like a long term project. Hopefully I'll be able to get better pictures with my new camera.
More to follow.
That's a piece of junk and not worth doing any work on. You should send it to me for proper disposal... ;)
NE Bull:
Actually Rick, I'm not far from the metal scrap yard, let me get rid of it for him!
Seriously, it looks like with a dip in the fountain of youth, that ugly old witch could be pretty sexy again!
Keep us posted on the progress.
Any metal pitting on it? I've wondered about refinishing with Duracoat in a situation like this but I'm not sure if it would cover up the pitting.
Quite a bit of metal pitting actually, all along the slide and the back of the hand grip. Hopefully we can remove most of that with the dremmel tool and some elbow grease. None in the barrel though (thank god), just was dirty as hell.
Never tried or even heard of Duracoat. I'll do some research on it and let you know what I find.
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