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Welcome to Corporal Tammy K. Hineline


David Hineline:

From the Sergeant Major
December 23, 2010
26th MEU Command Element
26th MEU CE ,  Camp L e j eune,  NC
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
 I would like to wish all of the 26th MEU family and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year.  Last minute Christmas shopping aboard ship means a lot of online shopping, trying to find the perfect gift for families and loved ones in time to deliver to Santa before he makes his big trip on December
24.  We're also looking forward to our Christmas day feast aboard the mess deck, ward room and chief
mess with all the fixings just as if we were at home. A
few Marines received a special holiday gift this year:
congratulations to Corporals Tammy Hineline and Johnny Stone, who
were meritoriously promoted this month. Other awards and recognitions include HM1 Lisa Ceron, who received a certificate of commendation for being recognized as 26th MEU Sailor of the quarter, and
HMC Mario Escobar, HMC Paris Dunomes and HM2 Trent Pressor,
who received their enlisted fleet Marine Force Warfare Specialist
pins.  You have every reason to be proud of your Marines and Sailors. 
Again, best wishes for Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous
New Year!  Semper Fidelis,
SgtMaj Allen Tanner

Send my congratulations to Cpl Tammy's a great honor to receive a MERITORIUS promotion!


Oorah Corporal of Marines!

Mike M.:
Congrats and thank you to all who were mentioned in the letter.
Dave be proud of that young lady shes a keeper.

David Hineline:
Since being with the 26th MEU her work has gotten a lot of play on the USMC websites.


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