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Bill repealing the NE helmet law introduced 1/06/11

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Jesse T:

--- Quote from: DaveB on January 17, 2011, 03:30:12 PM --- People that don't ride should just keep their nose out of our business.

--- End quote ---


Well, I don't ride but it should be the right of the operator! I would hate like HELL, to have a Non-shooter tell me that because he don't shoot, That I have no rights owning a firearm.....!!!!!!


--- Quote ---People that don't ride should just keep their nose out of our business.

--- End quote ---

...... that 's a tough one there...... I don't ride, and tend to be on the libertarian side of things........ but ...... I am a Volunteer FF/EMT (yeah, I know, Libertarian and workin' for the Man (unpaid, no less!)..... it's my business too, as I have a Duty to scrape you up off the roads: it is so much easier if your brains are inside your head, and your head is inside a helmet..... patient information is easier to get from a conscious patient than trying you go through your various pockets looking for a wallet that may or may not be there.... all the while trying to keep your airway open and your C-spine stable......

Helmets should not be required, so long as the folks that don't want to wear one tattoo "Not An Organ Donor" or "Organ Donor" underneath their chin, right above their adam's apple..... so I'll know whether or not I'm wasting my time keeping organs alive that that may or may not be able to be re-used, based on your wishes........

Rob B:
I ride, have for 45 yrs. Stupid repeal, helmets work.

what if you had to have ATF approved hearing and eye protection every time you operated a firearm?

or maybe it should be a law that you have to wear a condom unless you are specifically trying to reproduce, that would cut down on STDs and unwanted pregnancy, right?

JimP, I respect what you do and thank you for it, but that is a choice that you make.  Someday I will likely be very thankful for someone just like you, but I want to make choices in my life too.

Basically this comes down to me being young, dumb, and not liking to be told what to do.  I've never been caught without a helmet but from what I know the fine isnt steep and it isnt a moving violation.


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