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Bill repealing the NE helmet law introduced 1/06/11

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$50 fine in NE.

I'm all for the public having rights. I'm all for keeping the cops out of my life. I want people that steal and hurt people to be targets for cops, not seat belt violators. Cripes sakes!

I have been in the motorcycle business all of my life. I can see both sides. I always wear a helmet when I am on the road as I have been ran off the road a few times. I don`t like helmets if I am out trying out a bike that I have just worked on and need to listen for something but I deal with it. I have been riding for 55 years now and still able to ride so I will do what I have to so I can continue. I never wore seatbelts but am begining to do that more & more as I get older. Too many idiots on the roads these days.

Tough call......gonna be a tough sell to get it passed too.
I wear a helmet. I've tried all types & am currently using a full-face top of the line model. (The weight & ventilation has improved immensely is a marvelous thing!) That would be my choice.....required by law or not. I've gone without in states that allow it. It just doesn't feel right ???...LOL
If they'd amend the introduced no-helmet law to state that new riders are required to pass a motorcycle safety course to get their license it might have a better chance. I'd rather see the time & money & effort spent on MORE education.
I know, I know, additional intrusion...... ::)


--- Quote from: gwilly on January 29, 2011, 09:58:43 AM ---Tough call......gonna be a tough sell to get it passed too.
I wear a helmet. I've tried all types & am currently using a full-face top of the line model. (The weight & ventilation has improved immensely is a marvelous thing!) That would be my choice.....required by law or not. I've gone without in states that allow it. It just doesn't feel right ???...LOL
If they'd amend the introduced no-helmet law to state that new riders are required to pass a motorcycle safety course to get their license it might have a better chance. I'd rather see the time & money & effort spent on MORE education.
I know, I know, additional intrusion...... ::)

--- End quote ---
oops.......just read the ENTIRE draft of the law & it DOES include the the requirement of a MSC.......I can support this!


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