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Bill repealing the NE helmet law introduced 1/06/11

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I think the helmet law should go away, same goes with the seat belt law(except for minors).

I should be able to choose how I live my life and the risks that I take.

With that said, stupid is as stupid does.

I am in favor of this bill.

Less government intrusion into my life is a welcome thing. 
I'm fully capable of making the choice myself, as should everyone else of legal age.

Sorry guys, nay by me. 

A FULL helmet saved my life!  Even with a "brain bucket" I am pretty sure I would have been a goner.  A head-on in a residential area will change your minds too!  (If you survive!)  The car made a left hand turn right in front of me.  Not enough time to lay it down or anything I left a 8? skid mark put my shoulder where his rearview mirror  was mounted, and went on over the car.  I busted my tibia, 2 vertebrae and scapula (multiple times).  NOT fun!!

I don't ride motorcycles, but I manage to destroy at least one bicycle helmet every other year or so. One of those wrecks likely would have had lasting effects if it weren't for a helmet.

That said, as long as you have insurance so I don't end up subsidizing your long term care, I couldn't care less if you wear a helmet or not.

I've also heard suggestions that helmets may lead to more people surviving accidents in a vegetative state rather than just dying at the scene....


Repeal, it is another invasion of rights by a government. While I would wear my helmet nearly all the time, it should be my right. It is also a law that should only be voted on by bike riders. People that don't ride should just keep their nose out of our business.

I lost a friend in Germany while we were riding, a car pulled out in front of us and he went down. If he could have kept his head off of the pavement, he would have lived. The helmet shattered and went through his brain, was dead before he stopped sliding.

Same goes for gun laws, shouldn't have a say unless you are a gun owner.


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