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Arizona shooting...
I was waiting for someone else to post about this tragedy but I it appears we are trying to wrap words around it all.
I want to offer my condolences to the families of all those shot.
There are a few things I would like to say....remember, these are MY thoughts,you can disagree, they aren't facts...
First,the murderer appears to be extremely mentally ill. This comes way before (and really, in place of) any political views he holds.
second, uninformed people will say "Anybody can run around with a gun in Arizona." This isn't accurate. While you don't need a special permit or training to carry, you still need to pass a NICS (sp) check to buy one.
Third, this was a group that is by and large anti-gun. There wasn't anyone pulling out THEIR concealed gun and returning fire. I suspect most groups of Arizonans numbering over a hundred, would have a few CCWers around. It's a shame there wasn't one handy.
Fourth, the Sheriff was quick to hold a press conference...pointing fingers
Fifth, I suspect everyone's finger will be pointing in a direction away from themselves.
I know I need to be aware that some people SHOULDN'T have guns and I need to be a good citizen. I hope I have the courage, when someone I know who owns a gun and seems "on the edge," to follow a prudent path.
What sickens me most is how people are already using this for political gain. I about puked when the left immediately tried to link him to the Tea Party. Never mind he had the communist manifesto listed as one of his favorite books. It's obvious the guy was mentally ill.
I've read some anti gunners claim that there was a CCP holder at the shooting who did not have a chance to draw their gun...therefore, CC doesn't work. Someone else who was pro gun said the CCP holder came running to the scene from a local business after the shooting was over and the "suspect" was already subdued.
Anyone have any trustworthy sources on this information?
Interview with the guy on Fox. Your call on whether it's trustworthy.
I think the political hay-making is pretty disgusting, but pretty predictable.
AGREE Bill, msnbc low grade attempt at reporting, are liberal,left thinking, and even a Rep. sen from virgina said they should ban 30 rd mag and assault rifle that was used. But the guy was using a glock pistol with an 30 rd mag, not the same but he still got it in the heads of the viewers it was an assault rifle and that no one needs a 30 round clip. The whole thing is just too sad.
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