General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Any auto mechanics want to work at a gun friendly shop in Omaha? I'm hiring.


I'm looking to hire a well trained, experienced, qualified auto mechanic to come work in our growing shop. ASE certification is preferred but not required, however having your own tools is a must.

We are looking for someone with some drive and determination, that wants to work with us as much as for us.

We perform work on customer's cars, our own cars which are for sale, and also our tow trucks (both gas and diesel).

If you or someone you know might be interested, call me at 669-3247.

NE Bull:
Dangitanyway. If I didn't already have this cushy factory job where I stay clean, it's warm in the winter, cool in the summer and they pay me more than I'm worth, I'd be all over this offer, (20 yr. veteran ASE Master wrench turner.)but I know a few out of work folks I'll send your way.


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