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Anyone like ribs?

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I would like to know how the people that would neuter plan to catch them.

Here piggy, piggy! ;D

Most of the people that talk about this mean to do it chemically, by adding something to some feed that can be left out that would do it.  There is accually a birth control pill that works on deer that can be mixed into food that has been used in some urban areas to help control their population.

Mike Streeter is the head of Hunter Education for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

His position is that, when encountered in Nebraska, the wild pigs should not be shot by hunters.   Mike says that such action disperses the herd and wises them up mightily.

What NGPC wants Nebraska hunters to do is call NGPC immediately and give their location.   They will dispatch helicopter shooters to deal with them.

He says there have been some wild pig herd incursions along the southern border of Nebraska, pigs coming up from Kansas.   NGPC is well aware of and carefully watching the situation.


can they put that in the pop the teenagers are drinkin'?

....................just sayin'


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