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Left and Right?


NE Bull:
Borrowed from lil brothers FB wall:

I have often wondered why it is that the conservatives are called the ?right? and the liberals are called the ?left.?

From the bible:
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) -- ?The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.?

Once again, the Good Book puts things into perspective. :angel1:

In 1789, the French National Assembly was created as a parliamentary body to move control of issues, such as taxation, from the king to the citizenry.

Inside the chamber where the National Assembly met, members of the Third Estate sat on the left side and members of the First Estate sat on the right. The Third Estate consisted of revolutionaries, while the First Estate were nobles. Thus, the left wing of the room was more liberal, and the right wing was more conservative.

NE Bull:

Knowledge is power, and now a commercial break. Cool stuff.


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