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Author Topic: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney  (Read 6360 times)

Offline omaharj

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2011, 05:37:34 PM »
   I'd like the opinion of some FFL's here. What do you do when twenty people are in the store handling guns,some that are brought in off the street? I don't think the Bullethole let's you open carry, and gun shows don't.  After the ham-handed, dry firing,finger-on-the-trigger waving examples I've seen at gun shows,I wouldn't go if there were a percentage of loaded guns mixed in. :o

Offline JTH

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2011, 06:44:20 PM »
I'm going to get flamed here, but while I respect wishes of property owners, I feel once the business is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC,then laws of the state should apply,
if I have a permit, it is a permit, if you don't want my business,become an invitation only store.

Hmm.  So if I own a building that contains a business, and I don't want someone in it, I still have to allow them stay no matter what as long as there isn't a state law against what they are doing?

Think about that for a moment. 

Why do you think a private business is suddenly a public building just because members of the public can have permission to enter on certain occasions?

If you invite someone into your house, does that mean you can't ask them to leave unless they break a state law?

I don't necessarily agree with Cabelas regarding this topic.  However, I certainly understand why they made the decision as they did.  And I _certainly_ agree that as a private business, they can tell whoever they want to stay out if they feel like it.
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Offline Rob B

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2011, 06:38:47 AM »
So what other rights do we automaticly give up to this business owner when we enter his store, that he begs us to come into? If he says we have no right to spaek our mind, is that OK? Can he just decide we will alll submit to searches, is that OK? What if he decides no blond swedes? He is the property owner and has the control of our rights.

 Why do we lose our 2nd amend rights, we are not threatening him or others?

Offline bkoenig

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2011, 07:33:32 AM »
The property owner doesn't have control of your rights.  He has control of his property.  He sets the terms by which you may enter his property.  If you don't agree, you don't have to enter. 

Offline JTH

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2011, 07:35:10 AM »
So what other rights do we automaticly give up to this business owner when we enter his store, that he begs us to come into? If he says we have no right to spaek our mind, is that OK? Can he just decide we will alll submit to searches, is that OK? What if he decides no blond swedes? He is the property owner and has the control of our rights.

 Why do we lose our 2nd amend rights, we are not threatening him or others?

You aren't losing your rights----if you don't like it, don't go there.  The owner OWNS the place.  It is their building.  You don't have to go in.  They can set whatever requirements they want.  They can't break the law either, so they can't search you or touch you---but if they don't want you in there, they can ask you to leave, or have you escorted out.

You make your choices---as does the property owner.  If you don't like their requirements, don't step in.  But don't go there and complain about lost rights---it is a store.  It isn't like they forced you in.

This is separate from issues of public buildings owned by the state, in my opinion, by the way.  State buildings we are occasionally REQUIRED to enter, and in those cases, the government has decided we no longer have certain rights---which is interesting, because they choose to remove from us our primary means of self-defense, but they take no responsibility for our defense.  I wonder what would happen if the next person who gets hurt in a public building sues the state for not allowing our primary means of self-defense (as stated in the NE constitution) and doesn't take responsibility for defending us?  Hmm...

...and that still is completely separate from private buildings and businesses.   By the way, property owners can't do ANYTHING other than make you leave.  Or not allow you to enter in the first place.  (Or call the cops, and then it isn't about the property rules any more.)
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Offline sjwsti

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2011, 08:57:42 AM »
   I'd like the opinion of some FFL's here. What do you do when twenty people are in the store handling guns,some that are brought in off the street? I don't think the Bullethole let's you open carry, and gun shows don't.  After the ham-handed, dry firing,finger-on-the-trigger waving examples I've seen at gun shows,I wouldn't go if there were a percentage of loaded guns mixed in. :o

The Bullet Hole allows open carry. We dont allow any handling of personal firearms in the retail area, coat room or behind the shooting lanes. Your firearm may only be unholstered or uncased when in a shooting lane and must be recased or reholstered before you step out . If you need your gun looked at or worked on by the staff they will handle it and make it safe.

This has been a constant source of aggravation for us. We have signs posted all over the place stating to not handle your gun but it gets ignored on occasion. And we dont hesitate to call you out in front of a room full of people.

Cant tell you how many times we have been handed a loaded gun that was supposed to be empty. 

- Shawn
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Offline DaveB

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2011, 09:17:37 AM »
Cabela's has the apostrophe in the name making it theirs, as in "it's mine, I make the rules". They are not affecting or taking the rights from anyone that willingly enters the property they own. I don't allow people to smoke in my house, it's not illegal to smoke, but it's mine, I make the rules.

Offline omaharj

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2011, 10:37:09 AM »
   Shawn,thanks for the correct info. When I've gone to the BH I've only seen cased guns. The only people I've seen handling guns in the store area are the employees. What do you think of Cabela's policy?   RJ

Offline sjwsti

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2011, 12:05:14 PM »
   Shawn,thanks for the correct info. When I've gone to the BH I've only seen cased guns. The only people I've seen handling guns in the store area are the employees. What do you think of Cabela's policy?   RJ

If everyone entering Cabelas would follow the rules on weapons handling in the store it wouldnt be an issue. But as I can attest, some dont. It doesnt matter how many signs you post.

At The Bullet Hole its pretty easy to spot someone starting to uncase or unholster a weapon. And if they do the guys behind the counter will spot it quickly and deal with it. The size of Cabelas makes this much more difficult.

Having had loaded guns pointed at me by customers, and having been at the range when a customer AD`d in the retail area, I dont have a problem with it. Personally it doesnt affect me at all as I dont open carry. 

- Shawn
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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2011, 02:05:01 PM »
Simply put, MY rights end where YOUR rights begin.  That line is a fuzzy one at best, but must be agreed upon by both parties involved (common courtesy), and as such the party in control of the property has final say (castle doctorine). (a precedent set by the Supreme Courts of our land, yet obviously forgotten in reguards to a recent ruling for a certain group of anti-Americans and against common decency, another rant for another day!)
My $.02
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Offline DaveB

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2011, 02:24:09 PM »
The place to complain about your rights being violated is any government property. Your rights have been taken away if you try to carry a legal gun into a government building.

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2011, 02:42:52 PM »
Was at cabelas today,  They have no signs on the door, and now there is a big sign in the entrance where the greeters stand, saying you mustbcheck in firearms you bring in for repair, exchange or service.

I ccw in there.  However that could stop as they might ban it.  I was at the counter and some smart guy decides to start showing off HIS gun.  MORON.

IMO, places that sell firearms are more at risk for an incident because of all the gun nuttery that goes on when some people get together.

Also, unfortunately, some people use firearms, and ccw, to boost self esteem, which leads to them wanting to show people they carry.  This type of stuff needs to be adressed in all the classes.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 02:47:26 PM by skydve76 »

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2011, 07:10:55 PM »

You are right on.

Here's an excerpt from my CHP Course materials:

Resist Temptation to:
   -Show Your Handgun to Others
   -Tell Others that You are Carrying a Firearm

and some more:

>Take More Handgun & Safety Courses:
   -Legal Aspects of Lethal Force/ Chris Zeeb
   -Advanced Tactical Pistol/ Shawn Whittington

It is a Concealed Handgun Permit.

Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer

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Re: Gun taken at Cabelas in Kearney
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2011, 08:10:43 PM »
If I taugh a class, here is some points I would make, in more words than this but here are terse points:
-Firearm knowledge, is trivial
-Shooting firearms, is trivial
ANYBODY, with not much effort, can learn how to take a gun a part.  They can memorize different pistol types.  AND they can learn to be very accurate, without much effort.  Firearms are designed to be easy to use, and easy to learn, and easy to shoot.

You are nobody special because you have a gun, and the trivial knowledge you have of it.  If you are a CCWr, you are someone responsible however.

I'd like to point out that from cases I have been reading, when a person comes off as some type of "firearm expert" they tend to get eaten alive by the prosecution, becuase its easy to make it look like you used excessive force.

Be competent, and just rember nothing about firearms is rocket science, except maybe making them, which no one does except a few.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 08:13:44 PM by skydve76 »