General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Time for Atf to go...

(1/2) > >>

Ross Berck:
sign the petition, Ive been praying for them to be disbanded for years

Might I add,

All involved parties should after found guilty of such offensives should go to trial, be required to pay for the damage of a loss of being a husband,father,son, to the family and beheld accountable of cost to raise his children and support his wife if married. Then they should lose all benefits of the goverments employee's retirement, medical, or any such item that they were entitled to or would have been........... and even should be charged for treason and terrorism and face if still active in this once Honorable Country, Death by firing squad...

OK I, have edited this as much as I can I AM PISSED AT THEM GOVERNMENTAL APPOINTIES WHO DO EVIL TO GET A OUTCOME THEY DESIRED They are no different than those who Kill those drs. who abort BABIES..... Instead of changing the law, no different than those standing at a funeral yelling I'M GLAD YOUR SON IS DEAD and they are to be the JUSTICE DEPT OF THIS COUNTRY....
Dan - A-FIXER.....

I will stand accountable for this stance and if something is to become of this post...... I'LL TAKE IT LIKE A MAN.

I'd argue your point, simply because I enjoy a good discussion, but its real hard to find it (your point).  No joke or pun intended AF, but given the other posts to this thread I just cannot make the connection between yours and theirs.


Ross Berck:
He is talking about these atf/justice dept people who are complicit in the border patrol murder(by supplying the actual weapons used).  Especially after all the crap weve been fed about the gun drunk United States hillbillies who are enabling the mexican cartels violence with weapons(via Hillary Clinton and co)


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