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Anti-Gun Propaganda or Valuable use of Time?
As far as I know,Chris won't enter Omaha. Rick, check your messages.
--- Quote ---I guess I dont see it
--- End quote ---
They don't say it overtly, but like I said
--- Quote ---Judging by the speakers and topics of discusion
--- End quote ---
Hmm... A city prosecutor and a Federal prosecutor dedicated solely to prosecuting "gun crimes"(are you familiar with project safe neighborhoods?) giving a lecture on "gun safty". ::)
Maybe it's just me but I think they could have chosen someone with a different perspective. Maybe someone who carries a gun for a living?
Just for reference
--- Quote from: justsomeguy on March 28, 2011, 11:12:43 PM ---
They don't say it overtly, but like I said ...
Hmm... A city prosecutor and a Federal prosecutor dedicated solely to prosecuting "gun crimes"(are you familiar with project safe neighborhoods?) giving a lecture on "gun safety". ::)
Maybe it's just me but I think they could have chosen someone with a different perspective. Maybe someone who carries a gun for a living?
Just for reference
--- End quote --- have never heard them say they are against gun ownership, but because one aspect of their job is to prosecute gun crimes you assume they are?
I, for one, dont believe in coddling criminals. If you commit a crime you should be prosecuted and punished. Gun crimes are no different. I'm thinking if you had any questions about local or state gun laws these would be the people to ask. BTW I know Jake and he does carry a gun for a living and is more than qualified to speak on gun safety.
As far as your references Id like to see something that isnt 10yrs old. Project Safe Neighborhoods was effective in reducing gun crimes until the funding ran out and the cities could no longer afford the extra prosecutors. Give me a recent example of someone you know personally who was needlessly prosecuted under Project Safe Neighborhoods.
- Shawn
OPD and the Omaha City Prosecutors office have shown time after time that they are opposed to private ownership(and the carrying thereof) of handguns by the unwashed masses.
I have absolutely no interest in anything they have to say.
Isn't the Nebraska Safety Council the organization that offers CHP training, but gives out a bunch of false information in their classes to discourage people from actually carrying? If they're the ones I'm thinking of I would consider them a false flag organization and would assume this is just a cover to spread anti-concealed carry propaganda.
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