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Letter to Mayor Beutler Re his membership in Mayors Against Illegal Guns

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My letter to Mayor Beutler...

--- Quote ---Dear Mayor Beutler,

I am writing to express my concern regarding your affiliation with Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG).  On the surface, MAIG seems to be innocuous and of good intent.  I believe this is what has drawn in so many mayors.  However, one only needs to scratch the surface to see the insidious intent of this organization.

By simply noting the names or the two co-chairman, it is obvious that their intent is to limit gun rights.  Mayors Bloomberg and Menino have made repeated attempts to severely limit people's rights under the Second Amendment.  A perfect example of their ridiculous organization is the misleading information they present about Mexico's crime issues.  Not only are their facts skewed, but they actually think that Mexico's problems should be a reason to deny our citizens of their rights under the constitution.

Mayor Bloomberg has been doing his best in New York City to discourage responsible citizens from having any form of self defense in their home.  The fee for a handgun permit is $340, which means only the wealthy law abiding citizens can own a handgun.  Meanwhile the criminals buy their guns on the street and bypass the fee to the city government.  Is this really an effort to keep illegal guns out of the hands of those with ill intent?  No...this is simply an effort to keep guns out of any and all hands.

With all that these two mayors do to restrict law abiding citizens, how can you with good conscience be part of a group organized under the guise of a public service when its true intent is to limit the Second Amendment? 
--- End quote ---

I know.  It won't do any good, but I feel a little better.  ;D


Dan W:
And that is my reason for voting Anybody but Beutler today

NE Bull:

As long as the unions run Lincoln (and Omaha for that matter), he will stay in office as long as he desires or crosses them.

The Mayor's response...

--- Quote ---Thank you for your note of earlier this month regarding the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) initiative.  I apologize for my delay in responding.

I respectfully disagree with your characterization of this initiative.  I simply do not believe its intent is to limit Second Amendment rights.  I have attached a copy of the "Coalition Principles" to which all signatory Mayors were asked to agree.  I do, in fact, agree with these principles.

I certainly respect your opinion with respect to the Coalition co-chairs, Mayor Bloomberg and Mayor Menino.  I , however, am persuaded by ideas, not people.  And , again, subscribe to these "Coalition Principles," as opposed to any particular actions these co-chairs may have taken in their local communities.

Thank you again for your e-mail.

Chris Beutler
Mayor of Lincoln
--- End quote ---

The "Coalition Principles" he refers to can be read here

I am formulating my response, which will include my decision not to support him during the coming election.



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