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Creighton Hospital Shooting

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--- Quote from: LamontCranston on April 07, 2011, 04:52:27 PM ---Omaha has turned into a wretched hive of scum and villany.  This sure is not the place I grew up in.

--- End quote ---
Would I be considered "scum" or a "villain"?  ehehe....

NE Bull:
I was talking to some folks in O today, sounds like there was a shooting of some sort every day this week  :-[

The VFW boys said they sort of get a kick out of folks from certain parts of Omaha when they fire off their 21 rounds.  They've seen folks actually dive for cover!
Of course, I was there to give them gruff for walking around in Omaha open carrying a firearm without a specified permit.  ;D

I wonder if UNMC is any better?  My son worked night security at UNMC while his wife was in medical school a few years ago.  He tells a story about the time he and his partner watched while a carload of gang bangers rolled up to the ER entrance.  One of their buddies had gunshot wounds, and they just shoved him out on the pavement and drove away.   :o

Rodney Moorhead:
Nope Omahaharj.  I live in Omaha too.  However it seems quite violent as of late.  Hell until Joubert we never locked the doors when I was a kid. 

NE Bull:
A fella who works at a local hospital here in Lincoln believes CCW in a hospital is silly, because the police can be there with in 5 minutes.  And facts and argument from his 2A supporting son just could not sway him.  Yes, the police can be there in good time, but the may not get there IN TIME!


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