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The knife I asked about having engraved--Pics


Thanks for the input.  I think it turned out great. 

Well, who did the work for you and what did it cost?

Looks like very nice work, are you happy with the results?

Sorry...Laserworks in Grand Island did the engraving.  Cost me $26.50.

I am very happy with them.  Very helpful and even brought the knife to York and met my wife there.  I will definitely be doing business with them again. 

Wow!  That seems very reasonable.  I wonder if they would do AR15 lowers....hmm.....   ;D

I think she would do anything that she can get clamped down.  She had a towel hook that was taken off the wall of one of Saddam's palaces that she was engraving for a guy. 

They are good people and not afraid to work with you.


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