General Categories > Carry Issues

New Life Church, 1 year later.....



"Outgunned and stationed near the children, Assam stepped out from a doorway, confronted the gunman and then fired 10 shots from 63 feet away, hitting Murray once in the wrist and twice in a leg. Murray died in the hallway barely 40 feet from where he entered."

63 feet. Could you do it? Would you make the attempt?

Excellent post!  Thought provoking because it is a real-life, true that I think about EVERY Sunday when my family and I are attending church.

"Could you do it?": That's why I practice, so, yes.

"Would you make the attempt?": If it meant that I would be able to still see my family alive rather than reading about them in the obituary (or them reading about me in the obituary), then, yes.

BTW, where did the other 7 shots end up????  ???  I don't recall reading about any collateral damage.

Holes in drywall/ door frame/ doors are pretty insignificant considering the guy had a rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammo and was headed into a crowded church........ in that situation, I'd have cared less if the other 7 rounds were stopped by a stack of Picassos or a pile of politicians.......... though I would like to think I'd do better than 30% hits.......

Rich B:
To answer your questions, maybe and maybe.  :/


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