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My new range box

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very nice Bill!  I wish i had the tools for that level of craftsmanship:(  alas, i'm probably the youngest on this forum, and therefore, have no money.  yet:)


--- Quote from: gsd on April 19, 2011, 12:29:21 AM ---very nice Bill!  I wish i had the tools for that level of craftsmanship:(  alas, i'm probably the youngest on this forum, and therefore, have no money.  yet:)

--- End quote ---

The way I act sometimes when the gunshow vendors tell me a price I could be like a child....and not just young :-\

Thanks for all the nice comments guys.  I'm hoping to give it a shakedown at Thunder Alley sometime very soon.

gsd doing quality work isn't a matter of tools, by most standards what I have is at best entry-level, and at worst complete crap.  Quality tools just let you do things easier and quicker.  Kind of like how it's possible to hit a target at 300 yards with plain iron sites, but it's a lot faster and easier to use optics. 

point taken.  Again, damn nice work sir.

That is great looking.  I can't do anything that well. 

Good job.


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