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Anyone using the 300 Blackout round yet?

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Wesley D:

--- Quote from: bkoenig on November 08, 2011, 09:41:36 PM ---Either a Savage bolt gun like the NFOA raffle gun or the new CMMG AR10.

--- End quote ---

So you've bought your raffle tickets, right? ;)

Yes....I need to win so I can afford the logical answer:

Get both.

Well, I emailed Delta Company last night to see about the waiting list for their .300 blk barrels.  I've heard they are really good quality, and you can get a hand lapped barrel for $170 that's supposed to be really accurate.  That's dirt cheap, but I've also heard there's a long wait.  Like the saying goes, you can have it done quickly, done cheaply, or done right.  Pick any 2 of the 3.

For that price I could sell my 6.8 barrel and make the swap for no money out of pocket. 

BK and Wes... hurry up and get your 300 blackouts working, so i can shoot them and test it out.  ive been tossing around the idea of a 300 blackout for varmit hunting, it'll work great with a suppressor. 

i found out today on the 'net that you can shoot a 300 whisper out of a 300 blackout, but not the other way around.

I talked to Delta Company this morning:,-AR%252d15.html

Their supplier is running behind and they don't expect to have any SBR barrels before the end of the year.  If you want a 16" they can get that now though.  They're not taking orders, so they said to check back at the end of the year.


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