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Author Topic: Great story on the beginnings of the NFOA ...an interview with Chris Zeeb  (Read 894 times)

Offline Dan W

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"Sometimes the most effective gun rights activists are the ones who work quietly and don’t attract a lot of attention. Network Affiliated Instructor Chris Zeeb (http://www.neccwtraining.com) is a good example.

 Three years ago, disheartened by gun rights compromises at the Nebraska Legislature, he established a new gun owners group from nothing more than an idea. We spoke with Zeeb at a convention in January, and he graciously shared his story, which should prove inspirational
for anyone who is dissatisfied with the status quo where they live."

Zeeb: There was a senator who introduced an assault weapons ban in Nebraska, to ban guns based on appearance. I testified at the public hearing, and the large national
organization for firearms rights walked in to that hearing and they did not oppose that bill! They went neutral on the assault weapons ban bill. I was just dumbfounded. I
thought, “You guys are supposed to be representing gun owners? Whom in Nebraska did you talk to that wants this law? You know what? That’s it!”
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.

Offline lefty

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A long over due THANKS from me, Chris!  I appreciate your leadership.

Offline NE Bull

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“It is not an issue of being afraid, It's an issue of not being afraid to protect myself.”
 Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert
 "A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."  Shane

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Nebraska's gun owners have no idea how much Chris has done for them.  Same goes for all the other NFOA leaders who've put in so much time bending ears and working the Legislature.  Without them we would be in a much worse position than we are today.

Offline Chris Z

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Thanks go to Tim Tyrell for having the vision of the organization....... I just got the fire lit under me after Tim moved away!!!

Damn what a horrible picture they used of me....

Offline Dan W

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Thanks go to Tim Tyrell for having the vision of the organization....... I just got the fire lit under me after Tim moved away!!!

Damn what a horrible picture they used of me....
For a small donation I promise not to post it on the website's front page
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.

Offline Chris Z

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I'll donate again!