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Westboro Baptist ChurchHey All


Hey All - Pink here. As a student of Omaha North High the WBC has posted a flier that they are picketing our school Tuesday May 10 at 2:40. If you have a student at North or just want to support us please come and support us and our parents for these people. Please help us show that we are not what they say. Here is a link to their flier

Thanks from Pink and all her friends at North High GO VIKINGS

NE Bull:
Hey Pink,
I know it's tough, but please take a little advice from someone who deals with these non Christians on a regular basis.  The best (or worst for them) thing you can do is ignore them. Their goal is to incite retaliation..  As a family of lawyers, they love confontration, as it gives them grounds for a lawsuit, which, because of the soft liberal courts, they will win, hiding behind the 1st admendment.  Ask Bellevue how arresting the head witch turned out.  This is how they fund their little cult. 
These folks are so strapped for cash and attention that they not only picketed the royal wedding, they also went as far as picketing Charlie Daniels in Branson.  (In case you're too young, he'd be the original king of the redneck hippie crowd.)  I still wonder how many made it back.  Lots of places to hide a body in them there hills. ;)


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