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Author Topic: Easy Way To Comment On ATF's Multiple Long Gun Sales Reporting Requirement  (Read 758 times)

Offline PhilK

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Offline Dan W

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ACTION ALERT: Help Stop the Illegal and Unnecessary ATF Power Grab!
 The ATF has proposed a rule which would allow them to collect and maintain information on multiple rifle sales throughout the Southwest.  Because this is a change of current rules, the government is required to take comments from citizens about this idea.   
 The gun grabbers at Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Brady Campaign have been pushing their members to support this new gun registry and their push cannot go unanswered.  The comment period for this proposed rule ends on May 31st.  In order to have your voice heard, you must act now!
 Click here, fill out and submit the form to send your comments about this proposed regulation!
 The gun rights blog, No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money, is hosting a form which allows you to be heard and send your comment to the government’s Office of Management and Budget. 
 I am asking for your help in this last minute effort to stop this unnecessary and illegal power grab by the ATF.  If ATF allowed thousands of guns to be run into Mexico and given to the cartels, can they be trusted with a registry of multi-rifle sales?  Only you can stop them. 
 Click here to share your opinion about this rule change with OMB.
 Even people inside ATF, like whistleblower Vince Cefalu, have said this rule change would do more harm than good.   
 The proposed rule would do nothing to make Americans safer and would only result in more power going to an already failing government agency, ATF.  The page we have linked to allows you to share your opinion with just a few keystrokes and a click of your mouse.  We need to make sure your voice is heard, please send your comments today by clicking this link
Comment now to make your voice heard. 

Sincerely yours,
 Alan Gottlieb's signature
 Alan M. Gottlieb
 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.