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Author Topic: CCW Stories  (Read 1550 times)


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CCW Stories
« on: January 16, 2009, 12:03:10 AM »
Was in downtown Plattsmouth 1-14 @app.15:50 at my good friends auto parts/machine shop business.

I was standing in front of the counter on there southern most computer kiosk looking at a catalog,
with the son/owner on the employee side of the counter near the computer 6-8 feet from me.

A customer walks in walks down to the front of the counter in front of the son/owner and is asked "Hello' How Can I Help You"  The 30 something clean cut guy states " You can give me all of your money for starters" The employee/owner looks up at me and I at the customer. Owner says " well I don;t know about that" with the customer " I am just kidding" I reply this is not a good place to be saying that with my hand entering my coats breast pocket where my .45 was sleeping.

It was a reality check, none of us knew this person least his sense of humor.

I believe that the days of joking about this type of thing are a bygone era.
I was alert, in the orange zone and prepared to act if needed.
Thankfully I did not have to.