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Have you hugged a veteran today?

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NE Bull:
Maybe not directly related to gun rights, but directly related to the protection of our rights as Americans.
From MP today:

Yesterday we had the unfortunate honor to help lay to rest a young serviceman. This forever young 20 year old seemingly brought home more baggage than he could handle and took his own life.  I don't know the whole situation, but it is a grave reminder that we as a nation, and individually, need to let our warriors know that we support them.  We need to support them when they are on the battlefield, but more importantly when they come home.  Not only have they faced demons in the field, but there are many awaiting them upon returning home. There is trying to return to civilian life, family life, jobs and for too many the financial 'wolf' knocking at the door.  A most infuriating fact is that many of our men (and women) may come home to an broken home.  Too many heroes have come home only to be greeted by nothing more than divorce papers and looming court battles. (biting tongue to rant no further)

It is OUR duty as American citizens to thank our military everyday for walking through Hell so that we may live in relative peace.  I was thinking just today while riding:  "A handshake and a Thank You wouldn't kill you, but what they do for you, just very well could kill them!"

Reminder to our veterans; There are many avenues for assistance, please utilize them and most importantly don't be afraid to ask for help, we will all find a way to get through it.  That's what America does best!

(reprinted with permission of author  ;) )

While I was never deployed, every single one of my friends who have ever served overseas in a wartime setting have been told in no uncertain terms that i will buy the first two if they find the need to talk.  A good friend of mine is actually in Kuwait as of yesterday morning.  Another has already recieved his orders for Afghanistan. Same invitation will be extended to them upon thier return.

Our veterans have an amazing network available, which was unfortunately not available to my friends coming back from Viet Nam.  (no, i am not that old, i just get along better with an older generation than my own). 

If only they knew it, we would have been celebrating his service, not mourning his loss while home on American soil.

RIP Brave Soldier, your sacrifice will not be in vain.  Know we remember, and may no others join you under the same circumstance.   

i've never hugged a veteran but if i get the chance i always thanks them.

and talking about Nam... an old coworker of mine before he retired actually talked to me about his time over there and coming back.  i was told he had never talked to anyone about it.  maybe because i took interest in it.  he told me on his trip back he remembers a lady on the plane, she was nice until she found out he was a soldier, then she turned really mean and basically said he was a baby killer.  i hope society is much better today.

armed and humorous:
As much as I hate to admit it, tears come to my eyes when I read about our boys being killed in the wars in the middle east (or anywhere else for that matter).  I have not hugged any vets today, because I haven't come across any.  (No one has hugged me, either :().

It really doesn't matter, as far as I'm concerned, whether you believe a war is justified or not.  When your sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends, join the military (drafted or enlisted) and end up giving their lives for their country, you should be proud of them and honor their commitment.

The ones dying are not the ones that decided to fight in the first place.  They may join for various reasons: patriotism (look at the enlistment figures after Pearl Harbor), drafted, best job they could find, or whatever.  It really doesn't matter.  They deserve our respect, whether we agree with the government that put them at risk, or not.

NE Bull:


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