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Open carry

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--- Quote from: mtncrash1 on January 15, 2009, 12:57:31 PM ---My thought was that when my permit comes through that in the cities that dont allow ccw a person could switch to open if they were using the right holester.

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I'm game on being corrected, but I believe that other than Omaha where you have to "register" your gun with its LE before you can carry (concealed or open), you can switch to open carry elsewhere, but it better be clearly visible and not taken into posted banned places....but imagine going to Walgreen's or HyVee or Best Buy and seeing someone walking around with a .45, or .40 or whatever strapped to their side or leg! thinks that grannie or some save the whales person is going to freak and call 911 or the LE, and they can slap you with a "disturbing the peace" citation...and you can then go through the hassle of tasslin' that one in court.

Now the guy who runs USCCA (check out his website) is advocating open carry and says that he is actively doing so himself.  Hey, I can feel like John Wayne inside my house, but call me woos or whatever name you want, but I just ain't ready yet to open carry in public.

Let us know how it goes for you.

Jesse T:
It is not just you aldo.  I always want to open carry in valentinos but I am too scared to carry in a "no ccw" posted place.

Mike M.:
I was thinking more along the lines of driving from Omaha to Lavista to The Bullet Hole. Or similar situations. I dont think I would carry in a place that is posted. At least if you know what cities allow open but not ccw than when driving through you are not breaking the law if you uncover the weapon.


--- Quote from: mtncrash1 on January 15, 2009, 12:57:31 PM ---My thought was that when my permit comes through that in the cities that dont allow ccw a person could switch to open if they were using the right holester.

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Well, that is precisely what I did when driving thru Plattsmouth, until we got them to fix their ordinance....... the mayor and City Admin did not like it one bit, but public support for our side outweighed opposition by a considerable margin...... they changed the law, and then promptly posted all city property......

Not all city property in Plattsmouth.
The city Parks are now posted.
Uncertain of city shops or city hall?

This was a victory not a defeat, how be it somewhat dulled by there No CCW posting.
At least they did not try the old all city streets are prohibited.


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