General Categories > Carry Issues

Check your carry guns!


Just a friendly reminder....with the nasty heat we have, conditions are ripe for rust to form.  I inspect my guns regularly but I still found a little rust on the safety lever of one of my carry guns today.  It was a blued steel part, but the sweat from your body will attack even stainless steel.

Good idea.  Thanks for the reminder. 

NE Bull:
Good reminder.  I too have been real religious about pulling the ol Mak (it's one of them there steel guns, ya know)outta it's kholster when I get home and giving her a little wipedown.  So far this year I've been able to keep any rust to a minimum. 
Another good lesson to note, do not use one of those cheap padded nylon things; did that before I found the kholster, it will absorb sweat and rust a gun like no other!   

I generally use a clip draw which really exposes my carry piece to my sweaty body.  It gets wiped down and oiled every night during the warm months.  When I can wear a tucked in tee under another shirt there's no problem.


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