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Merged Canton Ohio PD Notification Arrest & Officer Conduct

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This is insane :o If ever in a situation like that I would have just talked over him saying I had the permit and then plead the 5th and said nothing at all.

I add my opinion to the consensus: this situation was completely avoidable and the officers own fault. Cops have a tough, tough job but that doesn't excuse threats & intimidation to make up for mishandling the whole process.

As an aside, allow me to preach to the choir for a moment when I take exception to his statement "that's how cops get killed". No, it is not. Cops get killed by criminals committing criminal acts. Armed citizens are not a danger to cops or anyone else (except said criminals & sadly occasionally themselves if they are negligent). They are the solution not the problem.  I am willing to bet that many more injuries and deaths occur from LEO accidental (negligent) discharges then from CCW holders, even on a percentage basis.

Lest you think the officer in question was just having one bad day...

You'll hear a lot of familiar language if you watched the other video.

I see a pattern developing here. 

Should be an open and shut case.  He should have been fired long ago.

Amazing...and this was last year!!!  Can you imagine a PD attorney trying to defend this gonzo if he would have shot someone or were to shoot someone?


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