General Categories > Carry Issues

Grand Island question


Kim and I are thinking about heading out to the Monster Truck show in Grand Island. Does anyone know if the Heartland Events Center is posted or not? I see they have a no weapons policy on their website, but was just wondering if they are actually posted as no ccw. I would assume so, but just curious. Thanks.

Jay, I don't know about the Hearland Event Center, but last weekend I went with two of my sons to the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln (to see "cage fighting", which was a trip just in itself....I think--hope--it convinced my eldest one to not get into that stuff), and the Center had BIG signs about not having guns--at all!

Talk about feeling naked (clarification: I did have clothes on, just no gun) with a bunch of folks drinking their brains out and screaming like maniacs and crazed lunatics!!  But nobody checked anyone at the doors, and just about all I could think about was wondering if law-abiding Aldo is without his piece, yet some nut-head out of his gourd could be carrying!!

Let us know what you find out in GI!

Rich B:
Just to add some more semi-related info:  Grand Island (as a city) allows CCW and the Kearney Events Center (First Tier events center) prohibits firearms.

Also, is a monster truck rally an "athletic event"?  If it is, then it's off-limits:

I consider auto racing a sporting event and NASCAR, IRL, and F1 drivers to be athletes. 


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