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How the Recent Debt Ceiling Law Affects Gun Owners

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Dan W:

--- Quote ---"The Super Committee limits the constitutional check of the filibuster by expediting passage of bills with a simple majority.  The Super Committee is not precluded from any issue [including gun control], therefore the filibuster could be rendered moot."
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If you think the Democrats won't use this to try and move gun control bills, you have not been paying attention.


--- Quote from: Dan W on August 06, 2011, 05:30:28 PM ---If you think the Democrats won't use this to try and move gun control bills, you have not been paying attention.
--- End quote ---

I have no doubt that such a tactic will eventually occur to someone on the left end of the field, but we have some pretty good folks on the right as well.  And with the recient track record of wins from the right I suspect that if this "Super Congress" attempts anything in that direction that the NRA, the GOA, the NFOA and every other "A" out there will scream until the planet shatters.  No, at the moment I am not concerned, but I cant speak for how I will feel tomorrow.


Do they really think we will just comply? I would bet they would be more concerned with where they were going to safely hide if they did attempt something like that. Right now they are messing with a pretty upset monster in the people they have betrayed.


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