General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

So...what do you all do?

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Just curious, I know that we all love the guns. 

So how do you support our nasty little habit?

I for one work as a maintenance tech at my apartment complex while going to school full time.  I'm also a Project Development Manager for a non profit, (that doesn't count, i volunteer).

Your turn, if you wish.

Stealing from my daughter's piggybank and digging through my wife's purse.

When that doesn't pan out I work for a small software company doing support, installation, sales, QC....pretty much everything but coding it.

Elementary teacher

Dan W:
I am a 5 time ASE certified Master Auto Technician, and I have been fixing cars in Lincoln since 1967.

Graduated from Milford, NE tech college in 1974 with an associates degree in Automotive technology

For many years I worked a family suspension and alignment business with my Dad.

Then I spent 10 years in the general repair field, specializing in drive-ability problems and electrical diagnosis in the then new computerized engine controls area.

For 20 of those years I specialized in rebuilding automatic transmissions and transaxles.

Now I am back in the general repair business and still do transmission rebuilding.

And in my spare time I play with guns and computers

I am a lead check airman for a "Fractional" jet company.  "Fractionals" are similar to time-shares in condos.  You buy part of a jet (one sixteenth, one eighth, one fourth, one half, etc.), pay a monthly management fee for the privilege of owning the jet, and then pay an hourly rate for the time you are flown in the plane.  Or, if you don't have the extra $3.5 million to buy half of a small jet, you could just lay down $100K and that would get you 25 hours in the same plane.

My job is to give checkrides to the check airman who give checkrides to the line pilots.  Thus my user name and my usual signature "Fly".



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