General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

So...what do you all do?

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Full time Dad (5 kids and now a foreign exchange student for the next 8-10 months) and Part time wood floor contractor ....... though lately, "part" has changed to "most" ...... been busier than a one legged man at an arse kickin' contest......  and I have several hundred rounds of practice ammo to load this week for the kiddoes to tune up for deer season...... and now more car repairs..... it never ends, or even slows down.


--- Quote from: JimP on October 03, 2011, 01:42:49 PM ---Full time Dad (5 kids and now a foreign exchange student for the next 8-10 months) and Part time wood floor contractor ....... though lately, "part" has changed to "most" ...... been busier than a one legged man at an arse kickin' contest......  and I have several hundred rounds of practice ammo to load this week for the kiddoes to tune up for deer season...... and now more car repairs..... it never ends, or even slows down.

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Just curious JimP...where is your exchange student from?  Wondering if they are dumfounded by your firearms.


Italy, Pisa area.......and has expressed interest in joining the HS Trap Team.

Never shot a gun in her life, but is "willing to learn"......

Assistant restaurant manager, job sucks and the hours are terrible, but thats okay the pay is worse  ;D


--- Quote from: JimP on October 03, 2011, 02:36:20 PM ---Italy, Pisa area.......and has expressed interest in joining the HS Trap Team.

Never shot a gun in her life, but is "willing to learn"......

--- End quote ---
Well then she has the right attitude about it then, and definitely ended up with the right hosts...


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