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--- Quote ---I fired cannons for the Army

--- End quote ---

Me, too ..... once upon atime...... I miss it so....

Dan W:
Can I get a cannon report?


--- Quote ---Can I get a cannon report?
--- End quote ---

M110a2 8" SP, introduced in 1963, phased out shortly after the Gulf War (I)...... with zone 9 powder charge (88 lbs!) the report was ...... impressive.   The most accurate piece in the US inventory, capable of Delta Hotels on 8' (eight foot!) diameter pylons at 25,000+ meters .......

I also crewed M109a3/a4's ..... faster to emplace, and armored (sorta) ..... more manuever friendly than the M110a2, with a 6,400 mil field of fire  ...... but could not hold a candle to the 8" in the Gunnery dept. ..... kind of like a minor caliber trade musket compared to a .58 civil war sniper rifle......

Dan W:

Buddy of mine is artillery, i always rib him about being a trained monkey:)   (Pull string, go boom, get banana)

Course, he's Army and I Was Air Force lol


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