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So...what do you all do?

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This is UK artillery using the M110a2 back in '91 .......

I spent a number of years chasing wooly-boogers for the USAF (Security Police), and sort of bounced around for a while (close to 20 years) after that.  Now I am back in federal service, working for the agency that everyone loves to hate (even some of the folks here), TSA.   The pay is fair, the hours suck, and the benefits are great.  Now, if they would just let me have more time off for hobbies….


Moved here from Germany 10 Years ago, worked in High End Audio / Video.
Now i am back in the IT World, Running a small Datacenter and take care of Customers IT Stuff.
I am getting pretty tired of it.
On the side i run a Web Hosting business, so if someone needs web hosting, 25% off for NFOA Members.
Oh, and before i forget, my Gun Website

In my Day Job I Ruin Bright Young Minds at the University.

They enter the Institution as Freshmen, full of Wonder and Hope and Eager for Learning.    Well, we pound that stuff out of them in a hurry.   If you've ever attended college, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

[I also hold science classes for a 4th grade class each year.   All I gotta do is clear my throat and hands shoot up like ripe beanstalks all over the place.]

However, by the time I get them as Grad Students, they won't even look up when I pose a question to the class.    Guess my colleagues and I are doing something right.

In atonement, for the Greater Improvement of Society, I teach Nebraska Handgun Safety and Training Course classes [NO--it ain't Concealed Carry of Weapons (CCW), it's Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP)].    Plus a buncha NRA classes, NE Hunter Education, and other fun stuff.    And you can bet that those folks stay awake in class.    And They Ask the Really Good Questions.


Dan W:
Destroyer of minds, eh.


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