General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

So...what do you all do?

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Computer geek working for the Man.   ::)  At this point I've been working in the real world for about 25 years.

i work in television.

in my spare time i support the ATF through purchasing their cool stamps.   :)

Fix them CT and MRI thingys. 

Work full time now and for the rest of my days to support what "The Regime" and Congress have enacted into law.....  And Lorimor is not being completely honest.  He works on MRIs and CTs part time, and is a full time student at Thunder Ranch.    :P

I am an estimator/ project manager for a commercial electrical contractor in the Omaha area.  Been working with electrical in one way or another for about 14 years.  And I make leather holsters and mag pouches in the little bit of spare time I have.


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