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So...what do you all do?

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Kinda Looks Like It........

But not on purpose.   It's the system [that I deeply love and willingly serve].   But still, the university academic system could benefit mightily from some serious ground-up reform.

Back in the Sixties and Seventies it looked like the kids were going to take the universities apart and then put them back together again, but get it right this time.

However, about all we got out of it was teacher evaluations and not much more.

I've only got another year or two to go before hanging it up.   Already way overdue.

And don't be fooled by my avatar.    That picture was taken at MCRD, San Diego in February, 1953.


Hmmm. Maybe we're less alike than I thought. I'm still ready to take the system apart.


--- Quote from: gsd on August 09, 2011, 05:22:09 PM ---Just curious, I know that we all love the guns. 

So how do you support our nasty little habit?

I for one work as a maintenance tech at my apartment complex while going to school full time.  I'm also a Project Development Manager for a non profit, (that doesn't count, i volunteer).

Your turn, if you wish.

--- End quote ---

I'm an attorney working in the executive branch of state government.


--- Quote from: LamontCranston on October 05, 2011, 03:29:45 PM ---I am a librarian.  Been doing that for since 04.


--- End quote ---

Nice! I used to run the research library at the Mises Institute ( Started in '04 and left in '07 to go to law school.

I have my own trucking business pulling containers areound the midwest-NE, IA, KS, MO, SD, and Chicago occasionally. I also custom feed around 3000 hogs/yr and have a few acres to play on. After big brother shut down the horse packers a few yrs ago and the market tanked, I started selling off the horse business. Still have a few left, but might keep them since they are wifey's and my favorites.

Somewhere in there I try to find a little time for some USPSA and 3 gun matches. I do all the reloading over the winter so I don't have to be inside during the summer. My wife is unemployed and can't seem to find a decent job withing driving distance, so that has put a big pinch on shooting finances. :(


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