General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

So...what do you all do?

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Full time business student and pre-mortuary science.  8)

Behavior Modification Specialist - doing a thankless job over three decades for
taxpayers and local custodians of public office that treat us like a necessary evil.

Work for American Amusements.  Programmer (device drivers, api's, networking code, database stuff, mostly C/asm).  Also a DBA and linux systems administrator here.

The primary product that we produce / have produced that ya'll might be familiar with would be Bankshot (the skill game in bars and such).

armed and humorous:
Former house framer/finisher/ roofer/mason/plumber/electrician/excavator/landscaper/fast food cook/cashier/insulator/painter/snow remover/assembler/machinist and now a mentor for LPS highly gifted students in math and drivers ed instructor (both part time).  Sounds like a lot of jobs, but that didn't even cover all of them.  Still, I was an electrician for four years in the navy, in construction with the same company for 12 years, and a machinist for 18 years before being laid off (company closed their Lincoln facility).  The other jobs were pretty much filling in the gaps.  I wanted to become a professional leather worker, but it's hard to find people willing to pay enough (to make it profitable) for good quality hand-tooled leather goods.

Well I'm 5 month short of 25 years with Hobart sales and service,I was a technician for 11 years,service manager for 10 years and almost finished with 4 years in sales,we also have the Frisco brand seasoning store in our Hobart office and have a custom blending company in the south half of our building.So if you need stuff to process or seasoning to make your wild game tasty we probably have it. go to our website at and you can order on-line or stop at 10905 Harrison street,just a mile east of Cabela's and you will find better stuff. ;)


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