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So...what do you all do?

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--- Quote from: gsd on September 18, 2012, 01:42:37 PM ---Interesting...we will have to sit down and you can tell me about it.

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Give me a call some time.

Material Handler at Lincoln Industries.   And then still taking classes, going for my bachelors in business.

I work for a firm that designs and programs railroad crossings (the electronics\instrumentation that makes them work) and the new Positive Train Control (PTC) system that the government has now stated every track must be compatible with by 2015.


--- Quote from: CitizenClark on November 14, 2011, 11:49:21 AM ---Nice! I used to run the research library at the Mises Institute ( Started in '04 and left in '07 to go to law school.

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Sweet. Met any of the more well-known individuals of the Austrian school?

I myself am a graduating senior (December) of Mechanical Engineering. No job lined up... so if anyone knows of any work, let me know.


--- Quote from: ALiesveld on October 25, 2012, 01:07:28 AM ---Sweet. Met any of the more well-known individuals of the Austrian school?

--- End quote ---

Sure. I worked for/with Lew Rockwell, Jeff Tucker, and Mark Thornton pretty much every day, and at various conferences and during their scholarly visits to LvMI I met (and in some cases became friends with) Bob Murphy, Hans Hoppe, Walter Block, Roger Garrison, Ralph Raico, Joe Salerno, Tom Woods, Stephan Kinsella, Ron Paul, Tom DiLorenzo, David Gordon, Guido Hulsmann, Peter Klein, Jeff Herbener, Roderick Long, Bill Anderson, Bob Higgs, George Reisman, and others.

Who did you have in mind?


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